
Following the success of MIT REAP Team Monterrey, Mexico (Global Cohort 6, 2018-2020), Tec Monterrey (Tecnológico de Monterrey) led the charge to continue their MIT REAP journey with a broader group of regional leaders through the MIT REAP Focus program. Focus Mexico is poised to strengthen the financial opportunities and networks across the country  which support their entrepreneurs in order to drive economic growth and social impact.

Tecnológico de Monterrey, a key university stakeholder throughout Mexico, has been essential in the formation of the regional teams that will participate in Focus Mexico. In the MIT REAP Global program, the leadership from Tec de Monterrey experienced first-hand how it is essential to recognize and take action to combat the lack of integration of various stakeholders, as reflected in the success one of their MIT REAP Strategies – MTY University for Founders, the first multi-university platform focused on collaboration and bringing together entrepreneurs and investors; using MIT REAP’s  collective impact model for accelerating the growth of innovation-driven enterprises (IDEs) in Mexico.

In collaboration with key partners, Tecnológico de Monterrey has mobilized five teams that represent different regions across the country to participate in the Focus program to employ targeted IDE ecosystem acceleration models and frameworks within their regions.

Click here for more information and to connect with Tecnológico de Monterrey.

The communities throughout Mexico have global impact, and with the MIT REAP Focus program, their comparative advantages are poised to accelerate outcomes for entrepreneurs in Mexico.

The objective is for each MIT REAP Focus Mexico team to:

  • Elevate the comparative advantage of its region;
  • Develop platforms that bring together key stakeholders to accelerate their IDEs;
  • Create strategies that generate impact locally;
  • Leverage the strength of their collective action to create positive outcomes for their communities.

The MIT REAP Focus Mexico Program is an 18 month engagement from May 2023 to November 2023.

MIT REAP Focus Mexico is currently in Action Phase 2.


MIT REAP Focus Mexico Faculty

Scott Stern
David Sarnoff Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, Faculty Director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Shari Loessberg
Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management
Michael Cusumano
Deputy Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Active Alumni

MIT REAP Focus Mexico Cohort

Team Members

Sergio Mendoza

Champion, Presidente del Consejo, Desarrollo Económico de Chihuahua A.C.

Alberto Terrazas

Director General, Grupo Punto Alto

Gilberto Rodriguez

Fundador & CEO, Gauzz

Guillermo Alvarez

Project Manager, Director General, Chihuahua Futura

Jaime Cruz Russek

Coordinador Ejecutivo, Grupo Impulsor DESEC A.C.

Jose Jordan Orozco

Director de Desarrollo Económico y Turístico del Municipio de Chihuahua

Luis Almanza Rueda

Director General del Parque Tecnológico, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Luis Oliver Torres

Data Rockstar, Coordinador, Plataforma de Inteligencia del Sector Privado

Luisa Yolanda Quiñones

Directora General, Instituto Tecnologico de Chihuahua II

Maria Angélica Granados

Secretaria de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico

Mario Antunez

CEO, Equity Link

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Team Members

Daniel Jacobo-Velazquez

Champion, Professor, Tecnologico de Monterrey

Alberto Ibarraran

Director de Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo de negocios, BOSCH

Andres Antonio Remis Santos

Director de Innovación y Desarrollo de Negocio en Metrocarrier, Megacable

Bernardo San Pedro Castillo

Director General, Elite

Carlos Velázquez

Coordinador General, Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología, SEDECO

Gabriela Villanueva Lomelí

Jefa de la Unidad de Centros de Emprendimiento e Innovación, Universidad de Guadalajara

Geraldina Silveyra León

Project Manager, Directora IEEGL Región Occidente, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Luis Arranguren Covarrubias


Mónica María Gómez Bernal

Presidente Ejecutiva, Elite

Nora Martin Galindo

Dirección de Innovación y Desarrollo Empresarial y Social, Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología

Paulina Hernandez

CEO Redbean, RedBean

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Team Members

Luis Rodrigo Gonzalez Fuentes

Champion, Presidente de la Comisión de Emprendimiento, Coparmex

Eduardo Barajas

Managing Partner, IKTEA Capital

Gabriel Pruneda Dibildox

Director Escuela de Negocios León, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Joaquín Elorza

Data Rockstar, Director de Servicios Académicos, Tec de Monterrey Campus León

José Quezada Díaz

Project Manager, Director de Parque Tecnológico, Tec de Monterrey Campus León

Juan Antonio Reus Montaño

Director General de IDEA GTO, Gobierno Gto

Juan Pablo Martin Yamin

Commercial Director, Flecha Amarilla

Laura Uribe Campero

PHD, Recombina

Mario Orozco Arena

Socio/Director, Polímeros y Derivados

Ramon Ernesto Borbon Rodriguez

SME Banking Head, BanBajío

Rene Garcia-Contreras

Profesor Investigador, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores (UNAM)

Zaida Mosqueda

Director General Alucomex, NMS Capital

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Team Members

Hendrick Munoz Martinez


Benito Sotelo Villa

Tlalpan Innovation District Manager, Tecnológico de Monterrey 

Diana Alarcón Gonzalez

Chief of Policy Development, Mexico City Government

Diego Serebrisky

Founding Managing Partner, Dalus Capital

Eduardo Fernandez

Director of Business Incubators and Technology Parks, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Gabriela Adriana Cervantes

Coordinate regional of Zona de Emprendimiento Innovador, Tec de Monterrey

Israel Alfaro Llamas

Legal Manager, Grupo Bocar

José Carlos Miranda

Regional Dean, School of Engineering and Sciences, Mexico City Region, Tecnológico de Monterrey 

Luis Roldán Senzio Savino

Director of the Entrepreneurship Institute, Tecnológico de Monterrey

René Rosado

Program Director of Governance and Public Transportation, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Sergio Torres

Director of Strategy and Innovation of Digital Banking, BBVA México

Ulrick Noel Solis

Champion, Managing Director IEEGL, Tecnológico de Monterrey 

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Team Members

Pascual Alcocer

Champion, Vice Presidente de la Región Centro Sur y Director Campus Queréta Tec Dec Monterrey

Alberto Dorantes Dosamantes

Project Manager, Professor, Tecnológico de Monterrey

David Pineda Deom

Director de Investigación y desarrollo Querétaro y ADAS México, Continental

Helmut Huber Herrera

Director General, Remetec

Julio Noriega Velasco

Co-Champion, Decano de la escuela de Ingeniería Región Centro - Sur, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Lorena Jiménez Salcedo

Presidenta de Comité de Federaciones Coparmex Nacional, Coparmex

Luis Castellanos Orozo

Executive Director of the Centro Region at Santander Bank, Santander

Marco Del Prete

Secretario de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable, Gobierno del Estado de Querétaro

Moisés Carbajal

Director del Instituto de Emprendimiento Zona Centro, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Raúl Hernandez Yañez

Director General, Grupo Dexel

Salomón Amkie Cheirif

Director de Relaciones Institucionales, Santander

Tania Palacios Kui

Secretaria de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social, Gobierno del Municipio de Santiago de Querétaro

Victor Mena Nader

Director General, DRT

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“Certainly the value that has been provided by MIT REAP, that we developed in Monterrey, was amazing. Trust the process, engage, and commit. This will be of great value to each one of the cities.”

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Hugo Garza, Vice President for Strategic Projects at Tecnologico de Monterrey